Boundary-anchored neural mechanisms of location-encoding for self and others.

Everyday tasks in social settings require humans to encode neural representations of not only their own spatial location, but also the location of other individuals within an environment. At present, the vast majority of what is known about neural representations of space for self and others stems from research in rodents and other non-human animals1,2,3.… Continue reading Boundary-anchored neural mechanisms of location-encoding for self and others.

Children with ADHD – Isolation -social emotional development , even while social distancing.

With practice and patience, parents of children with ADHD can promote their social emotional development — even while social distancing — and help them gain confidence that endures in the “real” world. BY CAROLINE MAGUIRE, PCC, M.ED. In many states and families, isolation is essential during this pandemic. But is necessary social distancing creating a social-emotional… Continue reading Children with ADHD – Isolation -social emotional development , even while social distancing.

Children with very early onset obsessive‐compulsive disorder: clinical features and treatment outcome.

Background: There is emerging evidence that early onset obsessive‐compulsive disorder (OCD) may be a phenomenologically distinct subtype of the disorder. Previous research has shown that individuals who report an early onset display greater severity and persistence of symptoms, and they may be less responsive to treatment. To date, this question has been investigated solely in adult… Continue reading Children with very early onset obsessive‐compulsive disorder: clinical features and treatment outcome.