ADHD In a Crisis: More ADHD Advice for a Pandemic – Now Is the Time for Realistic Expectations!

Today’s crisis has adults with ADHD trapped in their homes with unfinished projects, upended routines, and endless opportunities for procrastination. Here, get expert strategies for riding out this pandemic with grace and kindness — for yourself and others.

ADHD In a Crisis: Continue Routines

  • Get up around the same time each day.
  • Take your medications and/or supplements.
  • Get dressed and shower regularly.
  • Schedule your meals and set a reminder to tell you to eat (and eat at a table).
  • Find ways to move your body at least once an hour.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Set specific work times.
  • Go outside at least once a day.

ADHD In a Crisis: Take Medications and Supplements as Prescribed

ADHD In a Crisis: Finish Projects, Don’t Start Them

ADHD In a Crisis: Set Realistic Expectations

ADHD In a Crisis: Limit Your News Intake

ADHD In a Crisis: Notice Your Procrastination

ADHD In a Crisis: Take This Time to Learn About Your Brain

Man thinking many question. brain idea


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